Guitar 26: 9th Installment — Completion

It’s been quite a while since I last posted about this guitar. Prepping the guitar body for finishing went smoothly:





















Then a filler and few coats of water based lacquer.


















I hit a hurdle though after polishing out the sprayed on water-based lacquer, which I have used successfully in the past. I discovered I really didn’t like the appearance of it on the Macassar ebony.  Somehow the finish cheapened that gorgeous wood. So, off came the finish with a scaper.










I decided French polish was the way to go so this guitar ended up with a fully French polished body.  It was a lot of extra effort, but very worthwhile. Here you can see my supplies:  pounce bag with pumice, garnet shellac for a bit of toning, super blonde shellac, alcohol, mineral oil, and pad.  The bridge is masked off and the fret-board area as well.

With the body finished, I completed the bridge and got that glued on. Here’s my template, layout, roughing, and the nearly finished bridge:




















On goes the neck:










String it up and call it done!























I’ve played the guitar a bit and wow! This is the best finger-style guitar I have made to date: excellent neck feel, spot on intonation, sustain that seems to go on forever and punchy volume. It’s still a bit brassy, but I expect that to mellow out quickly with a bit more playing in.

Updated: this one sold to Michael Kline, friend and fine singer and picker.

Until next time




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